Data Types | Functions/Subroutines
assertbasic_mod Module Reference

Provides fundamental assertions over the most basic types, a foundation for providing test services to end users. More...


subroutine assertexceptionraisedmessage (message, location)
subroutine, public assertsameshape (shapeA, shapeB, message, location)
logical function, public conformable (shapeA, shapeB)
logical function, public nonconformable (shapeA, shapeB)
subroutine assertequalstring_ (expected, found, message, location, whitespace)
subroutine, public assertany (conditions, message, location)
subroutine, public assertall (conditions, message, location)
subroutine, public assertnone (conditions, message, location)
subroutine, public assertnotall (conditions, message, location)
subroutine assertisnan_double (x, message, location)
subroutine assertisfinite_single (x, message, location)
subroutine assertisfinite_double (x, message, location)

Detailed Description

Provides fundamental assertions over the most basic types, a foundation for providing test services to end users.

Tom Clune, NASA/GSFC
07 Nov 2013
For assertions on strings whitespace may or may not be significant to a test. We now have several options for dealing with whitespace via the optional argument Whitespace. These options are IGNORE_ALL, TRIM_ALL, and KEEP_ALL. Usage is as follows.

call assertEqual(expectedString, foundString, & & Whitespace=IGNORE_ALL )


Example usages can be seen in tests/Test_AssertBasic.F90 or Examples/Simple/tests/